Configuring Attributes

Attribute Types

When you create an attribute, you start by selecting the attribute's type. The type determines what kind of data value the attribute field will accept and store (e.g. numbers, text, dates, etc.). Each type is also associated with a specific user interface (UI) element. Users use this UI element to set a value for the attribute when they create or edit an activityClosed Any targeted action or measure taken by a company to promote its products or services, attract customers, or increase sales..

The following attribute types are available:


Data Type: Single date values in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

UI Element: Date picker that displays a calendar. Users can click on a date in the calendar to set the date value, or enter it manually into the input field.

Drop-Down List

Data Type: Predefined options.

UI Element: Drop-down list that displays the predefined options. Users can click on a single option in the list to select it. Users can also type a keyword into the field to filter the options list.

Multi-Select List

Data Type: Predefined options, optionally with user-customizable percentages.

UI Element: Drop-down list that displays the predefined options. Users can click on one or multiple options in the list to select them. Users can also type a keyword into the field to filter the options list.

If the percentage allocation feature is enabled, users can also enter a percentage value for each selected option (see Percentage Allocation Setting for more information).

Number or Metric

Data Type: Numeric values.

UI Element: Input field that accepts values containing only numeric characters (0-9). Values that include non-numeric characters are rejected.

Text or Reference #

Data Type: Alphanumeric values.

UI Element: Input field that accepts values containing any combination of letter characters, number characters, and special characters.


The Text or Reference # attribute type supports characters from the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane. This includes characters for all modern languages, such as diacritics (e.g. umlauts, accents, etc.), logographs (e.g. characters for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.), and various other symbols.

Attribute Settings

You can configure an attribute's settings when you create a new attribute, or when you edit an existing attribute.

For instructions on how to configure an attribute's settings, see Creating an Attribute and Editing an Attribute.

Basic Settings

All attribute types have the following basic settings:


All attribute types also display a Date Range setting. This setting is currently not used in the system. As a result, we recommend that you do not configure it for any attribute.

List Options

AttributesClosed Specific properties are assigned to activities, investments, or other system elements. These can include dates, text, drop-down options, or numeric values. They help categorize, describe, and analyze marketing efforts and can be customized to meet an organization's unique needs and reporting requirements. with the types Drop-down list and Multi-select list have additional settings. These settings configure the predefined set of options that a user can select from the list.

  • You can add list options, rename them, change their display order, or remove them from the list.

  • You can also manage list options in bulk with the export and import features.

Percentage Allocation

The attribute type Multi-select list has an additional setting to enable the percentage allocation feature. When this feature is enabled for a Multi-select list attribute, users can specify a percentage value for each of the options that they select from the list. You can use the percentage allocation feature for attributes where you want to record the relative weighting or contribution of each selection.


Some example use cases for setting percentage values on multi-select attributes:

Functionality Notes

  • When percentage allocation is enabled for a Multi-select list attribute, the system initially sets the percentage values automatically:

    • As the user adds selections, the system calculates and adjusts the percentage value of each selection to maintain an equal distribution.

    • For example, if there are four selections, each will be automatically assigned a value of 25% (1/4 of 100%).

  • After making all selections, users can manually enter percentage values for each selection as needed:

    • The sum of all specified percentage values must always total exactly 100%.

    • If the sum of the percentage values totals more or less than 100%, the system will display an error message. Any changes to the selections or their percentage values will not be saved until the user adjusts the percentage values to total exactly 100%.

    • Users can enter percentage values as decimals, and can specify as many decimal places as they want. Decimal places are also taken into account for the requirement that all percentage values must total 100%: if a decimal percentage value is specified for one selection, at least one other selection must also have a decimal percentage value with the same number of decimal places to sum to a whole number.

    • Users can enter a value of 0% for any selection, including for multiple selections (provided the values of all selections still totals 100%).

  • After they are set, the percentage values are displayed beside the label of each selection wherever the attribute field is displayed (e.g. in an activity's Details Panel, or in Analytics and BI exports, etc.).

  • The percentage values for attribute selections can also be used by the Impact ModelerClosed A feature that projects expected revenue from marketing activities based on demand-generation goals. feature. For details, see Impact Modeler.